Budget Planning 101

  • Budget Planning series to take control of your finances

    This 5 step series we will walk through how to establish you spending baseline, track expenses, eliminate unecessary expenses, and build a budget for your lifestyle. There are software packages that can assist with money management but all you need is a pen and paper. In fact, I recommend carrying a small pad of paper to facilitate recording your incidental spending. During this process you will need to log all monthly bills as well. Be honest with yourself through this process and especially at the first stage of establishing your baseline. It is crucial to know exactly where every dollar is going, so this is the step that can make the largest impact on your budget process.
  • Welcome to the Budget Planner

    Here we are going to talk about budget planning tips and techniques. If you have any questions not covered in our budget planning tips, please email you question to admin@consumorality.com